Richard Fidler's guest on the Conversation Hour on ABC Radio National on Remembrance Day 2015. 


The book includes a Foreword by Dr Brendan Nelson, Director of the Australian War Memorial, who added the generous endorsement 'Congratulations - a great work.'


Jane A Kimball, author of the definitive work TRENCH ART - An Illustrated History, wrote

Hi Judy,

Your splendid book arrived a few days ago. . .  I like to think that I've bought every book on trench art I can find.  Yours is unique in the objects shown and the connections to individual soldiers.
. . . Congratulations on your wonderful book.


Nicholas J Saunders, Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Bristol and author of Trench Art and much more, wrote - 

 . . . a real contribution to understanding the 'social lives' of trench art. It looks like a coffee table book, but has a deeper emotional message - 'art in the face of war'

Military History Monthly, Issue 80, May 2017.

On a personal note, Professor Saunders added 'I could have written much more. . .  Great book!'  


Judy Bolton, Head of Information Services at St Paul's School Bald Hills.

On 27 Oct 2017, at 2:34 pm, Judy Bolton <> wrote:

Dear Judy

I recently purchased “Trench Art…” for our School Library. I just wanted to email you to say thank you; it is a truly magnificent book! For one who loves the printed word, I couldn’t get enough of it! I would like to forward to you the email which I sent to our Social Science department.

This book has been catalogued and will be available for borrowing in the next few days after it is processed.

 It is one of the most impressive NF books I have read. It is simply beautiful. After  a description of the object, there is a paragraph on how it was constructed, then a comment (on its unique qualities etc), then it gives information on the owner (including their service record, sometimes a letter…) I was spellbound – alternating between near-tears and then amazement at the beautiful work and the sentiments expressed therein.

 It is a winner, IMO! It should be great for the Year 9 unit, but just fascinating for a read for interest too!

It is simply amazing in so many respects, and the research that must have gone into its production is incredible. Simply stunning on so many levels.

Thank you so much

 Judy Bolton

Head of Information Services